
I’m a Scientist, Get me out of Here! is a free online event where students get to meet and interact with real scientists. It’s a competition between the scientists, where students are the judges.

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Students submit questions which the scientists try to answer by the next day. Students then have live text-based chats with the scientists, where they ask questions, learn more about the scientists, and let scientists know their opinions. It takes place online over a two week period.

What’s involved?

You interact online with school students, answering their questions about science, research, and just about everything else. You also listen to students’ opinions on science and get them thinking about how science affects their daily lives.

It runs for two weeks at a time. Scientists spend around 2-3 hours a day split between answering questions in their own time, and in live chats during the school day.

The students:

I'm a Scientist Kenya
ASK you questions

CHAT to you online about you, your research and science

Then VOTE for the scientist they think has best talked about their subject area and work, to win 50000KSh to spend in schools.

You need: A computer with an internet connection (and that’s all!)

Answering questions: Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know”; you will be asked many questions which are not in your area, and it shows students that scientists don’t know the answers to everything!

Why take part?

  • Taking part in I’m a Scientist develops your communication skills – this is the most mentioned benefit.
  • It can re-energise you about your own science, and get you thinking differently.
  • You will make a difference. And you’ll be learning too. Teenagers ask all sorts of questions – from the cheeky to the thought-provoking. They fizz with energy and can be infectious company.
  • Strengthens links with students at local schools